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Venice 2024 - the city introduces an entrance fee: what does it mean for tourists?

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Why did Venice introduce an entrance fee?

Venice, one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, has faced long-standing problems related tom with excessive numbers of visitors, leading to wear and tear on the infrastructure and difficulties in the daily lives of the city's inhabitants. The introduction of an admission charge is one of the efforts to reduce 'one-hour tourism', which burdens the city without benefiting the local economy.

How will the entrance fee work? Who will pay the entrance fee and who will not?

The admission fee will be collected from tourists who plan to visit the city for one day. The amount of the fee will depend on the season, with higher fees during peak periods (green, yellow and red days are planned). Tourists booking accommodation in Venice will be exempt from the fee, as will children under 14 years of age, disabled persons, residents of the region and students attending educational institutions.

Atest run is planned for 2024, where a fee of 5€ per person will be charged only on selected days of the year: - mainly on public holidays from 25.4. 5.5. and the following weekends until 14.7. (all other days remain free):

Month Charged days
April 2024 25., 26., 27., 28., 29., 30.
May 2024 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 11., 12., 18., 19., 25., 26.
June 2024 8., 9., 15., 16., 22., 23., 29., 30.
July 2024 6., 7., 13. a 14.

How will the fee be paid?

To book your admission and pay the fee, check the official website: https: // Click on the Payment of the fee button here and you will see a calendar with the days to be charged and the price. Choose a date, in the next step enter the number of visitors, their names, phone and email address to send the QR code with the ticket. Payment is possible by credit card or Paypal.

What if I can't come to Venice? Will the tickets be forfeited?

If you cancel your tickets at least 24 hours in advance, your ticket payment will be refunded in full.

How can I save money on admission to Venice?

Venice's main aim with the introduction of admission fees is to reduce the number of day trips.tourists and to shift at least some of them from the most visited days to less exposed dates. Therefore, by choosing the right time to visit, it is possible to avoid paying the entrance fee.

While this may be an unwelcome change for some visitors, the long-term sustainable development of the city and the protection of its unique heritage are priorities that go beyond short-term interests. This experiment will be closely watched by other tourist destinations around the world that are facing similar issues.

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