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Piedmont, a beautiful region in northwestern Italy, welcomes you with tempting culinary delights and picturesque landscapes. This region, whose name means "underfoot" due to its location under the Alps, is a paradise for lovers of wine and natural beauty. Piedmontese cuisine is synonymous with great dishes such as Tajarin and Risotto al Barolo, accompanied by the famous Barolo and Barbaresco wines. Visit local vineyards and taste these delicious drinks directly from the winemakers. And don't forget to taste the traditional white mountain truffles at local festivals and markets. The landscape of Piedmont offers scenery that enchants everyone. From the golden vineyards of the Langhe to the alpine peaks of the Gran Paradiso National Park, Piedmont is ideal for nature lovers. Skiing, hiking and cycling are popular activities in this region. Explore history in Turin where you can visit the royal palaces and majestic squares. The Venaria Reale Palace and the Mole Antonelliana are architectural treasures that will enhance your cultural experience. Piedmont festivals offer authentic experiences. Markets full of local delicacies and truffle festivals are unmissable events that will spice up your stay in the region.

Piedmont is a combination of delicious food, excellent wine and beautiful nature. Whether you're a foodie, a wine-lover or an adventurer, this region has something for every tourist.

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Guide of Italy / Piedmont

Discover Bibione

Bibione is over 30 years one of the most popular seaside resorts in northern Italy and not just for a relaxing family holiday. In Bibione,...

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