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Seafood: what all belongs here?

This term often refers to a group of foods that come from the sea and have a shell. In fact, the term covers many more species.

Mořské plody na talíři
In gastronomy, the term 'seafood' basically refers to a group of foods of animal origin that come from aquatic invertebrates, i.e. other than fish. The method of catching them, which differs from conventional fishing, is much more similar to harvesting. Two large families in particular fall into this category: molluscs and crustaceans. However, not only gastronomically, echinoderms also belong here.


1) Shellfish
Molluscs are usually defined as all individuals that do not naturally have a skeleton but are enclosed in a classic two-shell shell. These are mostly marine animals, although some species have also colonized freshwater. Molluscs include mussels, clams, scallops, oysters, truffles, etc.
And, of course, we must not forget the most famous ones - oysters, which are also found in Italy are intensively farmed in Italy and, for example, the oyster from Caorle is highly prized and compared with French oysters. The ideal place to compare them is the Eden restaurant in Ottava Presa.

Frutti di mare
2) Cephalopods

Molluscs also include so-called cephalopods, i.e. seafood with tentacles: hence squid, calamari and cuttlefish. We recommend trying them in a restaurant or even at a stand as a fritto misto, just lightly salted with a little lemon.

3) Tartuffi
In France they are called violets, while in an Italian restaurant you can find them on the menu as "sea lemons" (they have a really sour taste). In Puglia, which has taken over a lot from France, they are called tartuffi (truffles). These seafoods live on sandy or rocky seabeds, looking like chunks of stone from the outside. They live in colonies, some can be very numerous. But most importantly, they are one of the great symbols of a well-known and popular concept called crudo di mare in Italy.

Tartufo nebo také limone di mare

4) Echinoderms (sea urchins)
Sea urchins are mainly eaten for their glands, which are often eaten raw or used in the preparation of numerous dishes such as spaghetti with sea urchins. Sea urchins are also one of the specialities you won't find in every restaurant.

Mořský ježek připravený k jídlu, samozřejmě syrový

5) Crustaceans
In the group of crustaceans we can certainly find lobsters, shrimps, crawfish and crabs. You've probably heard the name Gambero rosso somewhere - apart from the famous gourmet guide, it is a type of very tasty red shrimp that can grow up to 20 cm, but that's another article.

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